
Multigenerational Housing Rises in the Face of Expensive Homes

Written by Indar Lange | Feb 19, 2024 6:00:00 PM

Multigenerational living is increasingly prevalent in the United States as families unite to navigate the challenges of modern life and counter the rising cost of housing. A 2018 Pew Research Center report revealed that 64 million Americans, constituting 20% of the population, now live in multigenerational households.

Why the Surge?

The driving force behind this trend is primarily the soaring cost of housing. With many families facing difficulties affording homes or apartments independently, multigenerational living emerges as a practical solution. By pooling resources, families can afford larger homes accommodating multiple generations. Additionally, the desire to provide support for elderly relatives plays a significant role, with families opting to bring aging parents or grandparents into their homes instead of assisted living facilities.

Benefits of Multigenerational Living:

Beyond economic considerations, multigenerational living offers social and emotional advantages. Family members provide each other with emotional support, companionship, and a heightened sense of security. Grandparents, actively involved in their grandchildren's lives, impart wisdom and guidance. The cost savings extend beyond mere financial aspects; living with older family members who assist with childcare proves invaluable as childcare costs rise.

Community & Support: 

One of the most impactful benefits is the enhanced sense of community and support. Multiple generations living together form a close-knit community, fostering emotional and practical support. Multigenerational living creates opportunities for intergenerational learning and growth, with grandparents imparting cultural and historical wisdom, while younger family members bring fresh perspectives and energy.

Environmental Impact: 

Going beyond familial benefits, combining households contributes positively to the environment. Shared resources and living spaces allow families to reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably—an increasingly relevant consideration given the urgency of climate change and global environmental concerns.


In conclusion, the surge in multigenerational living reflects changing social and economic realities. Families are embracing innovative ways to support each other, adapt to modern challenges, and create a more sustainable and interconnected living environment. Explore the transformative dynamics of multigenerational living as it becomes an integral part of the American lifestyle.

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